What is SchoolBus?

SchoolBus is a platform of easy-to-use electronic building boards that empower you to learn electronics. The SchoolBus Boards snap together with simple connectors, no soldering, no wiring needed. If you have an idea and need a quick solution for the proof of concept, do not waste time to solder components together or design something from scratch. Just use SchoolBus boards to see if your idea is working. You can then design your own custom boards starting from the open source schematics of the SchoolBus boards.

We love open source and open hardware. All the schematics and code are open to our users under creative commons licenses. Read for more details: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

Who needs SchoolBus?

Makers and inventors always have ideas in their minds. But they do not have much time. Lots of ideas must be tested in a short period of time. You can not loose your time with the details of your next big think or your killer idea. Wiring, soldering, development of libraries for unknown integrated circuits are all time consuming efforts. We did it for you. We build up some circuits boards and their software libraries. All you need is to connect simple connectors and upload some example code to run it instantly. Minor tweaks in minutes not in hours will carry you to the end results of your idea. We want you to focus on your invention not on the every single detail of hardware and software. After the proof of concept you can get inside every black box or hire an expert to do it for you. You have to be quick because "Time to Market" is the most important concept for business.

On the other hand may be you are new to electronics and want to discover this big ocean. You did not want to go deep inside first. You only want to swim and enjoy the warm sea. Than you are in the right place too. Before studying long formulas, boolean arithmetic or circuit theory, You want to see a working real life application. If so SchoolBus is for you.

Our Mission

Develop prototyping tools for makers who have the curiosity to test ideas without fear. We need next generation of inventors who are more than just consumers of technology.

SchoolBus is a MakerStorage LLC. Project.

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